100 years after R.U.R. - Did the robo-lution happen? 
Today, we interact with robots - artificial servants - everyday. They are in our phones and in our homes. We wear them, we carry them. We design them, we ameliorate them. And they ameliorate us in return.
They are everywhere
The plot is different .
Domin: Oh Helena! Nobody could hate man as much as man! Give a man a stone and he’ll throw it at you. Just carry on!
The current 'robo-lution' is more silent, more subtle, and more intrusive. It is less visible because it entails a welcomed access in our homes and minds.
Narratives about robots like R.U.R. mirror the history of human slavery and maintain a master-slave dialectics in the relation between humans and 'artificial servants'.
In much modern fiction, the plot has changed: there is a more complex vision of the ways technologies serve us, and the ways we can be serving them.
If human/robots relations in R.U.R. were a reflection of real human/human domination, what do the new plots say of human power mechanisms? How do we control each other? 
What if humans were more to fear than robots? 